Sunday 15 May 2011

Stickman 5.6

Stickman is an animation package different from everything else that can be found in the market. It targets kids, schools and professionals at the same time, offering an easy-and-fast way to create cartoon movies.

No matter what your age level or technical skills, you will be able to create cartoon movies, web animations, stick figure animations, game animations and music videos. Instead of drawing each frame, Stickman use key frames to calculate the in-between movements.

A figure have groups of control points and switches for complex animation control. Export the animations into SWF, AVI, MP4, MOV, MPG, FLV and more. Add sounds in any sound format or record your own voice.

The figures are created with Elemento, included with Stickman. Choose from a variety of building blocks and connect the properties with references or expressions. Then same it to a file and import it into Stickman

Stickman helps you create animations using figures accessible from online libraries.
Here are some key features of "Stickman":

· Import pictures
· Photoshop layers
· Speech bubbles
· Key frame animation
· Multiple cameras
· Recoloring yes
· Create you own figures
· Reuse and reload figures
· Sound
· Export to 9 video formats
· Export to Flash
· No Watermarks